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Wallops Exchange and Morale Association:
Morale Activities Committee

WEMA proudly operates the Wallops Cafeteria. For questions, please contact General Manager Rinell Vincent at 757-824-2040.

If you plan to bring non-US citizen guest to any MAC event, the non-US citizens must be cleared through the NFNMS at least 20 working days (4 weeks) in advance for a visit of 30 days or less and two calendar months in advance for an assignment over 30 days. Employees should contact Jean Lopez at x2536 with questions about non-US citizens.

All guests must be ESCORTED 100% of the time by a permanently badged NASA, GSFC, or WFF employee. Guests' vehicles will be inspected before entry will be permitted.

Constitution of the GSFC WEMA

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Curator: Brandon Wright
Responsible NASA Official: Keith A. Koehler
Last Updated: February 14, 2020