MPE - Notice of Intent to Propose

A Notice of Intent (NOI) to propose is required to begin communications between an organization and the NASA Educational Flight Projects Office (EFPO), which is the payload management and integration organization for the new MPE carrier in development for educational, scientific, and exploration technology experiments on a variety of Expendable Launch Vehicles (ELVs). Before you submit an NOI, read the MPE overview to ensure your proposal meets the flight opportunity.

In the NOI you will be required to provide the following information:

  • Date of NOI.
  • Organization name and address.
  • Point of Contact name, telephone #, fax #, and email address.
  • Name of Principal Investigator.
  • Name of Co-Principal Investigator.
  • Description of your organization and if educational, the student participation effort.
  • Name of Proposal.
  • Type of Payload: Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, or Undetermined.
  • A brief proposal summary.

Upon receipt of your NOI, you will be contacted by a technical representative to discuss the flight opportunity process.

If you have any questions, contact:

Barbara Justis
MPE Payload Mission Manager
Wallops Flight Facility
Bldg N-159, W-239
Wallops Island, VA 23337

757.824.2145 (FAX)

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