Venue & Accommodations

Travel to NASA Wallops:

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Airports accessible from Wallops: Salisbury, MD | Norfolk, VA | National (Washington, D.C.) | BWI (Baltimore, MD)

NASA Wallops Flight Facility (WFF) is located on the Eastern Shore of Virginia. Travel time by car is 3.5 hours from the
Washington, D.C. metropolitan area, 1.5 hours from Norfolk, VA, and 1 hour from Salisbury, MD.

A block of rooms has been reserved for the Symposium attendees at the Wallops Lodge. Please indicate on the
registration form if you wish to stay at Wallops. Visit for other local hotel options.

Map of the Wallops campus:
Download map (pdf)

The Local Area:
WFF is located near Chincoteague Island, VA, offering access to many recreational activities. For more information
about Chincoteague, visit