A Black Brant XI's full trajectory.
The Wallops Flight Facility's Research Range is NASA's only active launch range and was in operation in 1945 -- before NASA was even an agency. Its role today in the 21st century remains consistent with its original purpose: the Research Range provides high value, responsive launch services for scientists and technologists who deploy and develop flight vehicles, vehicle systems, and science instruments.
Serving more than just the NASA Mission and leveraging its broad base of Government and Commercial customers, the Wallops Research Range serves as the Nation's launch test bed -- a place were new systems, new vehicles, new launch support systems, and new launch support processes can be evaluated and matured.
Simulated launch of the NFIRE mission.
This website is a portal to the flight regimes that are currently possible as well as those which are anticipated. It will provide mission planners, project managers, and customers with an increasingly high fidelity modeling capability with which to explore the trade space involved in launching sub-orbital and small orbital missions from WFF. The Range and Mission Management Office expects to rapidly evolve this capability, so visit us often!