The NASA Sounding Rockets Program Office (SRPO) plans, organizes, and directs the NASA Sounding Rockets Program (NSRP). The SRPO:
- Provides program interface with NASA Headquarters, other government agencies, universities, private industry, and the international community.
- Provides suborbital services (consultation, vehicles, hardware, payload services, and launch operations.
- Provides technical management for R & D and new technology efforts (feasibility studies, design studies, carrier and systems development, test and evaluation, and data analysis and reporting).
- Obtains range services for sounding rocket launches.
- Manages NSRP activities at the White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, and the Poker Flat Research Range, Alaska.
- Provides payload and mission management for Student Launch Sounding Rocket Flight Projects.
- Manages the NASA University grants and contracts for assigned principal investigators.
- Ensures that International Agreements, Contracts, Memorandums of Understanding, and Joint Project Implementation Plans are in place to accomplish the sounding rocket mission at domestic and foreign locations.
On February 1, 1999, the responsibility to design, fabricate and manage Sounding Rocket Missions was transferred to the NASA Sounding Rocket Contract (NSROC). Services to provide fabrication, environmental testing, and special engineering and technical support are provided via a Performance Task Order (PTO) with the NSROC contractor.